The Annual Foundation School (AFS)-II

Venue: BP and Pune University.

Dates: 1 - 28 June 2006
Convener(s) Speakers, Syllabus and Time table Applicants/Participants


School Convener(s)
Name S. A. Katre
Mailing Address

University of Pune

AFS being organised in Pune in June 2006 is the Second of the 2nd Annual Foundation Schools being organised on behalf of NBHM.

National Coordinating Committee

Director: R. S. Kulkarni 
Secretary: J. K. Verma 
Members : S. D. Adhikari, Satya Deo, Shobha Madan, I. B. S. Passi, R. A. Rao

Members of the Local Organising Committee

Bhaskaracharya Pratishthana: C. S. Inamdar (Custodian), R. V. Gurjar (Res. Director, Hon.)
University of Pune: B .N. Waphare (HOD, Maths.), S. A. Katre, H. Bhate


Speakers and Syllabus 

Lecture notes and Problems at AFS-II

  •       S. R. Ghorpade
  •       Balwant Singh
  •       S. A. Katre

Complex Analysis                  

  •       Ravi Kulkarni      
  •       R. R. Simha            
  •       Kaushal Verma

Algebraic Topology                  

  •       Anandteertha Mangasuli      
  •       Ravi Kulkarni      
  •       A. Parameswaran

(Note: lecture notes and problems are available as attachment at end of page)

Objectives of AFS

Basic knowledge in algebra, analysis, discrete mathematics and topology forms the core of all advanced instructional schools the schools to be organized in this programme. 
The objective of the Annual Foundation Schools, to be offered in Winter and Summer every year, is two fold:

  1. To bring up students with diverse backgrounds to a common level.
  2. To identify those who are fit for further training.

Any student who wishes to attend the advanced instructional schools is strongly encouraged to enroll in the Annual Foundation Schools.

Format of AFS

The topics listed in the syllabi will be quickly covered in the lectures. There will be intensive problem sessions in the afternoons. The objective will not be to cover the syllabus prescribed, but to inculcate the habit of problem solving. However, the participants will be asked to study all the topics in the syllabus at home since the syllabi of these schools will be assumed in all the advanced instructional schools devoted to individual subjects.

Participants in AFS

These schools will admit 40 students in their first and second years of Ph. D. programme, students of M. Sc. (II Year), university lecturers and college teachers who lack the knowledge of basic topics covered in these schools.

A participant who has attended AFS-I and II will never be allowed to attend these again.


Syllabus for the Annual Foundation School (AFS)-II (Jun., 2006)


(1) Basic commutative algebra-I: Prime ideals and maximal ideals, Zariski topology, Nil and Jacobson radicals, Localization of rings and modules, Noetherian rings, Hilbert Basis theorem, modules, primary decomposition, integral dependence, Noether normalization lemma, principal ideal theorem, Hilbert's Nullstellensatz, structure of artinian rings, Dedekind domains. (12 lectures) 
(2) Introduction to Algebraic Number Theory: (6 lectures) 
(3) Introduction to Algebraic Geometry: (6 lectures)

1. M. F. Atiyah and I. G. Macdonald, Introduction to commutative algebra. 
2. D. Eisenbud, Commutative algebra with a view towards algebraic geometry. 
3. P. Samuel, Algebraic Number Theory.

Complex Analysis

(1) Euclidean similarity geometry, inversive geometry, hyperbolic geometry and complex analysis. 
(2) Analytic functions, Path integrals, Winding number, Cauchy integral formula and consequences. Hadamard gap theorem, Isolated singularities, Residue theorem, Liouville theorem.4 
(3) Casorati-Weierstrass theorem, Bloch-Landau theorem, Picard's theorems, Mobius transformations, Schwartz lemma, Extremal metrics, Riemann mapping theorem, Argument principle, Rouche's theorem. 
(4) Runge's theorem, Infinite products, Weierstrass p-function, Mittag-Leffler expansion.

1. Murali Rao & H. Stetkaer, Complex Analysis, World Scientific, 1991 
2. L. V. Ahlfors, Complex Analysis, McGraw-Hill, Inc., 1996 
3. A. R. Shastri, Complex Analysis 
4. Krantz 
5. A. F. Beardon, Geometry of Discrete Groups, GTM Springer Verlag.

Algebraic Topology

(1) Basic notion of homotopy; contractibility, deformation etc. Some basic constructions such as cone, suspension, mapping cylinder etc. fundamental group; computation for the circle. Covering spaces and fundamental group. Simplicial Complexes, CW complexes. 
(2) Simplicial Complexes, CW complexes. Homology theory and applications: Simplicial homology, Singular homology, Cellular homology of CW-complexes, Jordan-Brouwer separation theorem, invariance of domain, Lefschetz fixed point theorem etc. 
(3) Categories and functors; Axiomatic homology theory.

1. E. H. Spanier, Algebraic Topology, Tata-McGraw-Hill 
2. A. Hatcher, Algebraic topology, Cambridge University Press.

Schedule of Lectures
Lecture   9.00 - 10.00 
Lecture  10.30 - 11.30 
Lecture  11.45 - 12.45 
Tutorial  2.15 - 4.15
UM Lecture   4.30 - 5.30


Syllabus for Annual Foundation School-II (December 2004)

Algebra II

(1) Homological algebra: Derived functors, projective modules, injective modules, free and projective resolutions, tensor, exterior and symmetric algebras, injective resolutions, Ext and Tor. ( 12 lectures)
(2) Basic commutative algebra: Prime ideals and maximal ideals, Zariski topology, Nil and Jacobson radicals, Localization of rings and modules, Noetherian rings, Hilbert Basis theorem, modules, primary decomposition, integral dependence, Noether normalization lemma, principal ideal theorem, Hilbert's Nullstellensatz, structure of artinian rings, Dedekind domains. (12 lectures) 
1. M. F. Atiyah and I. G. Macdonald, Introduction to commutative algebra.
2. D. Eisenbud, Commutative algebra with a view towards algebraic geometry.

Complex analysis

(1) Analytic functions, Path integrals, Winding number, Cauchy integral formula and consequences. Hadamard gap theorem, Isolated singularities, Residue theorem, Liouville theorem.4
(2) Casorati-Weierstrass theorem, Bloch-Landau theorem, Picard's theorems, Mobius transformations, Schwartz lemma, Extremal metrics, Riemann mapping theorem, Argument principle, Rouche's theorem.
(3) Runge's theorem, Infinite products, Weierstrass p-function, Mittag-Leffler expansion. 
Text: Complex analysis by Murali Rao & H. Stetkaer, World Scientific, 1991

Algebraic topology

(1) Basic notion of homotopy; contractibility, deformation etc. Some basic constructions such as cone, suspension, mapping cylinder etc. fundamental group; computation for the circle. Covering spaces and fundamental group. Simplicial Complexes, CW complexes.
(2) Simplicial Complexes, CW complexes. Homology theory and applications: Simplicial homology, Singular homology, Cellular homology of CW-complexes, Jordan-Brouwer separation theorem, invariance of domain, Lefschetz fixed point theorem etc. 
(3) Categories and functors; Axiomatic homology theory.
1. E. H. Spanier, Algebraic Topology, Tata-McGraw-Hill
2. A. Hatcher, Algebraic topology, Cambridge University Press. 
Number Theory Arithmetic functions, congruences, quadratic residues, quadratic forms, Diophantine approximations, quadratic fields, Diophantine equations.
1. A. Baker, Theory of numbers.
2. K. Ireland and M. Rosen, A classical introduction to modern number theory.

Algebra II


Balwant Singh (co-ordinator), e-mail: balwantbagga at (from 12th to 20th June) 
Sudhir Ghorpade, e-mail: srg at (from 5th to 14th June) 
S. A. Katre, e-mail: sakatre at (from 1st to 28th June)


Complex Analysis


R. R. Simha (co-ordinator), e-mail: simhahome at (from 12th to 20th June) 
Ravi Kulkarni, e-mail: kulkarni at (from 3rd to 28th June) 
Kaushal Verma , e-mail: kverma at (from 20th to 28th June)


Algebraic Topology


Anandateertha Mangasuli, e-mail: anandateertha at (from 1st to 17th June) 
Ravi Kulkarni, e-mail: kulkarni at (from 3rd to 28th June) 
A. J. Parameshwaran (co-ordinator), param at (from 3rd-5th, 19th to 28th June )

Special Lecture Series (Unity of Mathematics Lectures)

DINESH THAKUR, e-mail: thakur at


Algebra II

Anuradha Gadre (ganura at 
Himanee Apte (himanee at 
Habeeb Basha (habeeb at

Complex Analysis

Sameer Chavan (chavansameer at 
Vikram Aithal (vikram at, 
Dr. Sanjay Kumar Pant (sanjpant at

Algebraic Topology

Vikram Aithal (vikram at, and others 
Sameer Chavan (chavansameer at 
Dr. Sanjay Kumar Pant (sanjpant at



 (1) Basic commutative algebra-I: Prime ideals and maximal ideals, Zariski topology, Nil and Jacobson radicals, Localization of rings and modules, Noetherian rings, Hilbert Basis theorem, modules, primary decomposition, integral dependence, Noether normalization lemma, principal ideal theorem, Hilbert's Nullstellensatz, structure of artinian rings, Dedekind domains. (12 lectures) 
(2) Introduction to Algebraic Number Theory: (6 lectures) 
(3) Introduction to Algebraic Geometry: (6 lectures)

1. M. F. Atiyah and I. G. Macdonald, Introduction to commutative algebra. 
2. D. Eisenbud, Commutative algebra with a view towards algebraic geometry. 
3. P. Samuel, Algebraic Number Theory.

 Complex Analysis

 (1) Euclidean similarity geometry, inversive geometry, hyperbolic geometry and complex analysis. 
(2) Analytic functions, Path integrals, Winding number, Cauchy integral formula and consequences. Hadamard gap theorem, Isolated singularities, Residue theorem, Liouville theorem.4 
(3) Casorati-Weierstrass theorem, Bloch-Landau theorem, Picard's theorems, Mobius transformations, Schwartz lemma, Extremal metrics, Riemann mapping theorem, Argument principle, Rouche's theorem. 
(4) Runge's theorem, Infinite products, Weierstrass p-function, Mittag-Leffler expansion.

1. Murali Rao & H. Stetkaer, Complex Analysis, World Scientific, 1991 
2. L. V. Ahlfors, Complex Analysis, McGraw-Hill, Inc., 1996 
3. A. R. Shastri, Complex Analysis 
4. Krantz 
5. A. F. Beardon, Geometry of Discrete Groups, GTM Springer Verlag.

 Algebraic Topology

 (1) Basic notion of homotopy; contractibility, deformation etc. Some basic constructions such as cone, suspension, mapping cylinder etc. fundamental group; computation for the circle. Covering spaces and fundamental group. Simplicial Complexes, CW complexes. 
(2) Simplicial Complexes, CW complexes. Homology theory and applications: Simplicial homology, Singular homology, Cellular homology of CW-complexes, Jordan-Brouwer separation theorem, invariance of domain, Lefschetz fixed point theorem etc. 
(3) Categories and functors; Axiomatic homology theory.

1. E. H. Spanier, Algebraic Topology, Tata-McGraw-Hill 
2. A. Hatcher, Algebraic topology, Cambridge University Press.
Schedule of Lectures

Lecture   9.00 - 10.00 
Lecture  10.30 - 11.30 
Lecture  11.45 - 12.45 
Tutorial  2.15 - 4.15
UM Lecture   4.30 - 5.30

 Schedule of Lectures / Tutorials

  1st Jun., Thur 2 nd Jun.,Fri 3rd Jun.,sat
     9.00 - 10.00  Registration 9.30-11.00 Algebra-II Algebra-II
     10.00 - 10.30  Inauguration Tea
     10.45 - 11.45  Algebra-II 11.30- 1.00 AlgTopo AlgTopo
     12.00 - 1.00  AlgTopo  
     2.30 - 3.30 Alg (SAK)   Alg (SAK) Alg (SAK)
     3.45 - 4.45 AlgTopo (AM)   AlgTopo (AM) AlgTopo (AM)
  5th June, Mon 6th,Tue 7th, Wed 8th, Thur 9th, Fri 10th, Sat
9.30 - 10.30  SRG SRG SRG SRG SRG SRG
10.30 - 10.45  Tea
10.45 - 11.45  RK (Comp) RK RK RK RK AM
12.00 - 1.00 AM AM AM AM RK SRG
2.30 - 4.30 Problem session: ALG Comp TOP ALG Comp TOP
  12th, June, Mon 13th,Tue 14th, Wed 15th, Thur 16th, Fri 17th, Sat
9.30 - 10.30  SRG BS BS BS BS BS
10.30 - 10.45  Tea
10.45 - 11.45  DT RRS RRS RRS RRS RRS
12.00 - 1.00 BS RK (ALG TOP) RK RK RK RK
2.30 - 4.30 Problem session: ALG Comp TOP ALG Comp TOP
4.45 - 5.45 RRS DT Prof. Passi   Dr. Pant  
  19th, June, Mon 20th,Tue 21th, Wed 22th, Thur 23th, Fri 24th, Sat
9.30 - 10.30  BS BS SAK SAK SAK SAK
10.30 - 10.45  Tea
10.45 - 11.45  RRS RRS KV KV KV KV
12.00 - 1.00 RK KV AP AP AP AP
2.30 - 4.30 Problem session: ALG Comp TOP ALG Comp TOP
4.45 - 5.45 Dr. Pant AP   DT DT  
  26th June, Mon 27th,Tue 28th, Wed
9.30 - 10.30  SAK DT KV
10.30 - 10.45  Tea
10.45 - 11.45  KV KV AP
12.00 - 1.00 AP AP TOP
2.30 - 4.30 Problem session: ALG Comp FeedBack Session
      Valedictory Function
4.45 - 5.45 DT    
Algebra BS- Balwant Singh SRG- Sudhir Ghorpade SAK- S. A. Katre
Complex Analysis RRS- R.R. Simha RK- Ravi Kulkarni KV- Kaushal Verma
Algebraic Topology AM- Anand Mangasuli RK- Ravi Kulkarni AP- Parameswaran
UM-Lecture Series DT-Dinesh Thakur
Guest Lecture Early History of Groups Prof. Passi
Algebra Vijay Patankar Anuradha Garge, Himanee Apte Habeeb Basha
Complex Analysis Vikram Aithal Sanjay Pant Sameer Chavan
Algebraic Topology Vikram Aithal Sanjay Pant Sameer Chavan


Selected Applicants


Sr. No. Name of Participant Accommodation
H- BP Guest House, F- BP Flat, R-Rooms at BP main building
1 Debasis Sen, ISI, Kolkata F-3 yes
2 Vineet Kumar Singh, Banaras Hindu Univ.,Varanasi. H-6 yes
3 Moriya Bhavin K., HRI, Allahabad. R-5 yes
4 Amrutiya Sanjaykumar Hansraj, HRI, Allahabad. R-5 yes
5 Ms. Kamlesh Tiwari, Chouksey Engg. College Bilaspur (C.G.) R-1 yes
6 Sushil Gorai, IISc, Bangalore. F-3 yes
7 Dr. N.V. Ramana Murty, Andhra Loyola College, Vijaywada, A.P. F-2 yes
8 Ms. R. Lakshmi Lavanya, Ramanujan Institute, Univ. of Madras, Chennai. R-2 yes
9 Musavvir Ali, A.M.U., Aligarh (U.P.). H-8 yes
10 Saidur Rahman Barbhuiya, Hailakandi, Assam. H-8 yes
11 Gurpreet Singh, Univ. of Delhi, Delhi. H-7 yes
12 Varinder Kumar, Univ. of Delhi, Delhi. H-7 yes
13 Venketasubramanian C. G., Univ. of Hyderabad, Hyderabad. H-5 yes
14 Vadiraja Bhatta, National Institute of Technology, Karnataka, Surathkal H-5 yes
15 Ms. Mamta D. Gondalia, M.S.University of Baroda, Baroda. R-2 yes
16 Chandrajeet Singh Yadav, Ujjain, M.P. R-5 yes
17 Ms. Mala Parihar, Ujjain, M.P. R-1 yes
18 Chintamani Mohan Namdev, HRI, Allahabad. R-5 yes
19 Dr. Bankteshwar Tiwari, B.R.D.P.G. College, Deoria, U.P. F-1 yes
20 Dhorajia Alpesh Madhubhai, M.S.University of Barodara, Varodara. H-5 yes
21 Ms. Soma Purkait, ISI-Bangalore, Bangalore. R-2 yes
22 Ms. Soma Purkait, ISI-Bangalore, Bangalore. R-2 yes
23 Surya Prasath, IITM, Chennai. H-5 yes
24 Ms. Parvisha, Univ. of Jammu, Jammu, J & K. R-1 yes
25 Pabitra Barik, ISIcal, Kolkata. F-3 yes
26 Jagmohan Tanti, CMI, Chennai. R-5 yes
27 Dr. Avanish Kumar, Bundelkhand University, Jhansi (UP) F-1 yes
28 Mr. P. Pradhan, IITM, Chennai. F-3 yes
29 Ms. Anuradha Namjoshi, Sathye College, Mumbai Self accom. yes
30 Mr. Dattatraya Patil, A.Nagar, (Mah.) self Accom. yes
31 Mr. Arun Kumar Patil, Dept. of Maths, IIT Powai, Mumbai H-1 yes
32 Dr. Naik Uday H., Dept of Maths, Willingdon College, Sangli (Mah.) F-2 yes
33 Rohit Joshi, IIT, Kanpur. Self. Accom. yes

List of Local participants for AFS-2.

1. Shirolkar Devendra Dinkar, Dept. Maths, Univ. Pune, Pune. Local yes
2. Ms. Kavita Sutar, BP, Pune Local yes
3. Priyavrat Charudatta Deshpande, Pune. Local yes
4. Vikas S. Jadhav, Pune. Local yes
5. Mrs. Hurratulmalika Juzer Siamwalla, Abida Inamdar College, Pune. Local yes
6. Ms. Manjusha Joshi, BP, Pune Local yes
7. Ms. Aditi Marathe, SP, Pune Local yes

List of Students selected but not able to attend AFS-2.

1. Avanish Kumar, Varanasi. Not attended
2. Mr. Gourab Bhattacharya, West Bengal Not attended
3. P. Paramanathan, Gandhigram, Tamilnadu Not attended
4. Susovan Pal, TIFR, Bangalore. Not attended
5. Nilakshi Goswami, Gauhati Univ., Guwahati. Not attended
6. Devendra Kumar, K.U., Kurukshetra. Not attended
7. Indu Pal, K.U., Kurukshetra. Not attended
8. Rahul Garg, A.M.U., Aligarh (U.P.). Not attended
9. Ms. Geetan Khurana, Univ. of Delhi, Delhi. Not attended
10. A. Thangam, Gandhigram Rural Institute, Gandhigram, TamilNadu. Not attended
11. Ratanesh Kumar Dikshit, HRI, Allahabad. Not attended
12. Ms. Meena S. Atak, Maharashtra Academy of Engineering, Alandi, Pune. Not attended
13. Manoj Kumar Savita, I.T. B.H.U., Varanasi. Not attended
14. Amit Kumar Singh, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi. Not attended
15. Siraj Uddin, A.M.U. Aligarh. Not attended
16. Dr. Trilok Mathur, Banasthali Vidyapith, Rajasthan. Not attended
17. Pravin Garg, Banasthali Vidyapith, Rajasthan. Not attended
18. Sanjay Kumar Singh, ISI, Delhi. Not attended
19. Anoop T. V., HRI, Allahabad Not attended
20. Mr. Advait Kulkarni, Dept. of Maths, IIT Powai, Mumbai Not attended
21. Dr. T. Venkatesh, Karnatak University, Belgaum. Not attended


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