Bhaskaracharya Pratishthana Mathematics Training Programme 2024-2025OFFLINE / ONLINE MATHEMATICS TRAINING PROGRAMMES (BPMTP 2024-2025) |
Admissions for the 6th Standard Batch 2 are closed.
Use the links on the left hand side for more information about the courses. The admission process is in two steps.
Bhaskaracharya Pratishthana (BP), Pune is a premier institute devoted to carrying out research in Mathematics and imparting high quality education in Mathematics at school as well as college and university levels. The Institute was founded in 1976 by the renowned Mathematician Prof. Shreeram Abhyankar for conducting research in higher Mathematics.
Since 1992, BP has also been a recognized center for conducting Regional Mathematical Olympiad (RMO) and Indian National Mathematical Olympiad (INMO) on behalf of the National Board for Higher Mathematics (NBHM) for Maharashtra and Goa Region.
Over the years BP has been consistently involved in conducting Mathematics foundation programmes for school students, Olympiad training programmes, undergraduate and postgraduate training programmes as well Annual Foundation Schools and similar Teachers’ Training programmes at regional and national levels. The main aim of all these programmes is to promote teaching-learning methods in Mathematics and create keen interest and liking for Mathematics among students. The methods adopted are well tested over the years, and teachers encourage self-learning and independent thinking. As a consequence, several students of BP have pursued their career in Mathematics and many have applied Mathematics in their own areas of interest in a substantial way. The strong foundation developed in the school programmes enable students to take the challenge of participating in Olympiad competitions. Many students of BP have not only cleared regional level competition, but also achieved high success in national and international competitions. We are happy and proud to mention that students trained at Bhaskaracharya Pratishthana have bagged medals for INDIA about 50 times in the International Mathematical Olympiad. (https://www.bprim.org/imo-awardees). A large number of past students of BP are doing excellent research work in Mathematics/Computer Science at major research Institutions /Universities all over the world or working as top-class professionals in the best Industries. Many are also faculty members at well-known colleges/universities in India or abroad.
This year BP announces CLASSROOM and ONLINE programmes for school students. The details of the various programmes can be found here on this website.
The faculty for all the programmes is extremely dedicated, very highly qualified and can be considered veterans in School and Olympiad training programmes. Many of the faculty members training in the BP Olympiad programme have been involved in the training of students at Regional, National as well as International Mathematical Olympiad for last many years.
The lectures for 5th standard, 7th standard, 8th standard (Foundation of Mathematics batch) and 9th standard (Olympiad Level 1 batch) will be conducted twice a week throughout the year – while those for 6th standard and Olympiad Level 2 will be conducted once a week throughout the year.
The programmes will be extremely interactive in nature. A special feature for every programme will be project-based activities and special lectures by expert faculty from India or abroad.
Olympiad Level 1 training programme will start from 17th April 2024. The remaining programmes will commence from the week of 10th June 2024. Most programmes will continue till end of February 2025/beginning of March 2025.
Eligibility for the programme: Interest in Mathematics, a will to learn independently and more than 75% marks (or equivalent grade) in Mathematics in earlier class.
- There is a CLASSROOM as well as OFFLINE batch offered for 5th, 6th and 7th standard, Foundation of Mathematics and Introduction to Olympiad Maths and Olympiad Level 1 Training Programme.
- Olympiad Level 2 batch will be in ONLINE mode only.
Students can select the batch preferable to them. The admission for the batches of 5th, 6th and 7th standard, Foundation of Mathematics and Introduction to Olympiad Maths will be done on first come first serve basis for eligible students for the given batch capacity.
Admission to the Olympiad Level 1 will be based on the performance of Screening test.
Students choosing online option should ensure good internet connectivity at their end. Additionally, students in online batches are expected to actively interact with the faculty during lectures as well as to participate enthusiastically in discussions during the online sessions. Hence, they should ensure that they have a working microphone in their audio device.
For every programme BP gives full/partial scholarship to deserving students with a weak financial background. The student should make an application for the same (by email to bhaskaraprim@gmail.com ) and should also ask a Mathematics teacher knowing him/her well, to recommend his/her name for the same by sending an email to bhaskaraprim@gmail.com . The applications will be screened by a committee at BP and the selected students will be informed.