Signal and Image Processing Applications

Date of commencement of Course

  Shall be declared soon

Course Duration

30 hours


UG PG students/Research Scholars, Science graduates, Industry working professions, R&D engineers working in industries and research institutes


Shall be declared soon

Expected Learning outcomes

  • Clear understanding and interpretation of topics in Signal and Image processing

  • Participants shall be able to write signal and image processing algorithms (MATLAB or SCIALB)

  • Potential Industrial Applications

  • Know opportunities for industry projects

  • Innovations

Course Fees (in Rs.)


Topics covered

Signals and systems background, continuous and discrete time, representation of digital systems and digital signals, Linearity, causality, time
invariance, stability concepts, One dimensional and two dimensional and multidimensional signals

Signal and Image Transform: Basis functions, Inner product, overview of potential applications of transforms, Fourier, Sine and cosine transform, Z-
Transforms , Short time Fourier Transform, Gabor transform

Non-sinusoidal transforms: Haar, Walsh, Hadamard transforms, Wavelet transform, Admissibility conditions , Discrete wavelet transform, wavelet
packet transform, Examples of signal and image transforms using SCILAB

Digital Filters: Digital filtering of signals, IIR and FIR filters Examples on digital filtering , Digital filtering of signals, demonizing, Digital filtering of images using the discrete wavelet transform.

Overview of signal and image processing methods

  • Industrial data and real life signals, noisy data, planning experiment for data collection, sampling and quantization

  • Example of data from rotating machines, signal modeling approaches, spectral analysis, Condition monitoring of rotating machines

  • Wavelet analysis of data from rotating machines

  • Vision based systems for quality control of machined parts

  • Estimation of signals appearing from engineering measurements

  • Industrial applications of Fourier transforms

  • Flow imaging applications

  • Control Valve analysis and fault detection

  • Monitoring Pumps and Compressors using signal processing methods

  • Reconstruction of sensory data using least square method

  • Applying principle component analysis for performance monitoring

  • Overview of Medical Image processing


Dr. Ajay V. Deshmukh, Ph.D. IIT Bombay, M.E. Instrumentation , B. E. Instrumentation Engineering

Program Coordinator

Dr. Ajay V. Deshmukh   Mobile: 7447474652  E-mail:-


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